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In accordance with BIM methodology, information expectations and requirements are introduced to the designer. In a classic approach to BIM, it’s the designer who is the first to add the necessary data to the digital model, which is then processed and used by other project stakeholders. Considering the fact, that project management supported by BIM is currently being implemented in many design offices, we provide services of 3D modelling based on 2D drawings. We deliver architectural, structural and installation models. Based on provided guidelines and 2D drawings, we deliver an agreed scope of the BIM models and complete non-geometric information, such as parameters of the materials, model categories, producent information, essential information needed to receive the sustainable construction certificates, etc.

Jak wygląda nasza współpraca

Niezależnie od tego, czy wykonujemy model tylko jednej instalacji, czy obsługujemy cały proces BIM, zawsze na początku badamy oczekiwania i zbieramy wymagania o danym projekcie BIM. Wraz z rozwojem projektu uzupełniamy w modelu cyfrowym informacje, uszczegóławiamy geometrię. Tak powstaje projekt BIM – cyfrowy obiekt zgodny z planowanymi rozwiązaniami materiałowymi i technicznymi, uzupełniony o takie informacje jak: dokumentacja administracyjna, wytyczne z zakresu bezpieczeństwa pożarowego, karty materiałowe, dane kontaktowe itp. Stopniowe nasycanie elementów informacją graficzną pozwala na wczesnym etapie projektowym operować na lekkim modelu BIM, z czasem przybierającym formę, która spełnia wymagania projektu budowlanego i ostatecznie projektu wykonawczego.

BIM up
your design

BIM up
your design

BIM management designer approach

Below we provide some of the benefits that come with BIM project management from the perspective of the Designer:

  • elimination of repetition of the same tasks,
  • enrichment of the traditional technical documentation with the use of BIM models, which has unlimited capability of transferring information,
  • facilitating the search for mistakes and issues,
  • facilitating the preview of changes in the project in real time and comparing every version of the project,
    • solving communication problems regarding use of different IT platforms,
    • elimination of inconsistencies in output data e.g., axes, levels,
    • elimination of concurrent waiting time for outputs of other project team members,
    • facilitation of adding own parameters and attributes in designed elements depending on customer information requirements or project stage,
    • facilitating reports creation and filtering essential information in convenient way and data format,
    • facilitating modeling of complex geometry with unusual shapes,
    • in contrary to traditional approach, delivery of project visualizations for each project stage,
    • alternative design analysis, easy selection of the best option,
    • facilitating preparation of further projects based on developed project templates containing all characteristics and data set within the organization,
    • facilitating visualization of the project with large detail accuracy,
    • joining various trades BIM models to see the overall project output.
BIM dla projektantów

We know that BIM technology is not yet widespread on the Polish market, and because of that, some of design offices still do not have the technical capabilities needed to participate in the BIM management. Because of this we offer help and support in the coordination of projects as well as 3D modeling of the project cad drawings. We offer support during information requirements identification process and we adjust the parameters to Clients expectations and needs. BIM models, even with a low level of details and small amount of information, allow for tests, calculations and analyses, which lead to early identification of possible problems and improve overall quality of the project design.

When stakeholders consider using BIM, they imagine a 3D model of the building. It is a far-reaching simplification, but a BIM models are definitely one of the important elements in the BIM project management processes and information workflow. Among many benefits that come with the implementation of BIM, BIM for designers helps to achieve a competitive advantage on the market. Thanks to the 3D representation of the building, it is possible to create better project drawings and what’s even more important – design that is coordinated between various project trades.
Currently the market for designers is very fragmented, large design offices were replaced by smaller architectural studios, which outsource part of design to trade specialists.

This approach has its benefits, although it requires very good coordination during design process. In this area BIM changes the approach to design and investment processes as itself. It could be said that the traditional design-bid-build approach changes to integrated project delivery model, which is based on cooperation of all parties involved in the project. In case of design work, the common data environment of different designers and project information providers is crucial. This facilitates an efficient design process, and what’s more- helps to create design free of issues and clashes, that trouble a large portion of projects nowadays.


We often met with the statement, that BIM is expensive. Some myth is being created, that BIM for designers is ineffective, it’s implementation is expensive, and stakeholders don’t want to consider additional costs related to the workload connected with information modelling.

The statements above are only true under specific conditions, which are as follows:

  • we are carrying out design work (as a company) only once or for the first time,
  • the project refers to a small structure, which does not have many repetitive elements,
  • project development is done once and only once, without implementation of changes (we have aware Client who knows what he wants), the documentation is being created, sold and the designer never comes back to mentioned project.

Under assumptions made above, BIM for designers would be, of course, expensive and the time needed for setting up work environment and adding new parameters in the model would not translate into design quality or economic value of the design works contract. However, as we all know from experience, above assumptions are not common, moreover – they are unlikely to happen.


Construction industry is changing and projects are carried out more and more dynamically, there are many iterations and changes, which requires project updates. Additionally, more often designing takes place simultaneously with the construction stage. Despite above conditions, most projects are still carried out using traditional design methods. This makes the process of coordination challenging, information is delivered using traditional ways without BIM models, many mistakes appear at the construction stage- all of these create an overall impression of design works as follows: “….this design is poor quality…”.

If description above is known to you, we recommend to check our BIM for designers services. You don’t have to go through the entire process of BIM project management implementation in Your organization instantly. We recommend small steps instead. We will create a BIM models, proceed with clash detection, assess the results and highlight problems. You can check on sample project how project BIM management looks like in practice. We will help in changing the traditional design approach to BIM management.

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Designer Support


Clash Detection

quantity takeoff

3D Quantity Takeoff

cyfrowy bliźniak


Digital Twin

BIM for manufacturers

BIM for manufacturers

BIM dla inwestorów

for investors


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